Category Archives: Sports

It’s Mitt or the Democrat for Colin Cowherd

For those of you whom are big sports fans like myself, ESPN Radio Host Colin Cowherd said on his radio program today that he is voting for Mitt Romney and if he doesn’t win the nomination, he is voting for the Democrat nominee!  (I almost, not quite, but almost feel the same way).  He said this on the last segment of his radio show on Jan 9th.  He added that Huckabee doesn’t do it for him, Amen to that.

Mitt Romney has broad appeal across the moderate and conservative electorate.  What appeals to moderates about Mitt Romney is his vast success in the private sector and that he is by far the best candidate on the economy.

These issues are easily Mitt’s strongest points and for the longest time, I have wondered why Mitt didn’t just base his entire campaign on the Economy, success, and change.  No other candidate has the record of change that Mitt has.  Somehow, Mitt’s advisors were way off and told him to run to the right on social issues and put his focus on that.  Mitt should have been promoting the economy constantly.  I think he now recognizes this and will push hard on these issues.   Mitt is far and away a better candidate than any other GOP candidate; he just needs to show the rest of the country what many of us already know.


Filed under Colin Cowherd, Election 2008, ESPN, Mitt Romney, Politics, Sports


Congratulations to Barry Bonds and the SF Giants on Barry’s 756th record breaking home run of Mike Bacsik of the Washington Nationals. I am a huge Giants fan, so naturally I was rooting for Bonds to break the record despite all of the controversy around him. Living on the East Coast, it is difficult to stay up to see Giants games when they are on TV. Fortunately, each of the last two nights the games were televised due to them playing the Nationals, which allowed me to see my beloved Giants on MASN. Staying up till all hours of the morning paid off last night when Barry hit the 3-2 pitch into the stands in center field at AT&T park. So congrats again to Barry Bonds.

Before many of you trash me for being ok with Barry breaking the record, allow me to state that I am well aware that I am a homer. If Barry never played for the Giants and was on another team I would probably be disappointed and/or angry that he broke the record. But he doesn’t play for another team, he plays for the Giants. Thus, I root for him, because that is what fans do – fans aren’t supposed to be rational, that takes the fun out of sports.


Filed under Barry Bonds, Baseball, History, Media, People, Politics, San Francisco, San Francisco Giants, Sports